Have Red Girls a Strong Personality?

The Beauty The Passionate Desire

The red fire.

Elected color of the year 2011, many had considered it a simple fad, a seasonal whim. Instead, judging from the latest trends, it seems that a vermilion head is now more “in” than ever. It matters little if mother nature has not granted you the privilege.

Today, anyone can choose the red that most desires among the countless shades of color, just like many Hollywood stars do: Blake Lively, Drew Barrymore, Scarlett Johansson, Emma Stone.

The red also attributes a strong personality and in fact some of them have left their mark in the history of the show and in the collective memory. An example of all Rita Hayworth and her unforgettable gesture with her hair on raises. In the common imaginary she is the red par excellence but, perhaps many do not know, her hair was actually brown.

Becoming a redhead has changed the career of another movie star. Whom are we talking about? Julia Roberts. Long red curls and a wonderful smile. An explosive mix that made everyone fall in Pretty Woman.

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